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Thoughtful Kitty Coffee

Peru Decaf

Peru Decaf

Regular price $24.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $24.99 USD
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Experience the excellence of our Organic/Swiss certified Peruvian coffee, a medium-roast blend from Cooperativa Agricola de Servicis Norandino. Grown in Piura and Amazonas at 1100-1700 meters, the beans, comprising Caturra, Bourbon, Catuai, Pache, and Catimor varieties, undergo a meticulous gully washed process. Sun-drying enhances the tasting profile, featuring notes of caramel, smoothness, and a hint of citrus. Standout feature: Swiss Water Process decaffeination, delivering a caffeine-free cup without compromising rich flavors. Savor the dedication of Norandino's growers and the unique terroir of Peru in every sip.

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